Baby & Family Fair

Thinking about starting a family, expecting a child or already have little ones at home? Join Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare (TMH) on Saturday, Feb. 17, for our annual Baby & Family Fair! At Baby & Family Fair, local families can learn more about resources, products and services available as they make decisions about pregnancy, childbirth and raising young children. This year’s free event will give attendees the opportunity to learn from our experts about all things pregnancy and child development as well as get to know local vendors who offer a range of products and services for mothers, families and children. Seats are limited for breakout sessions and car seat checks so register now to secure your spot. This year’s Baby & Family Fair will be held at the Tallahassee Memorial Alexander D. Brickler, MD Women’s Pavilion. For more information on the event and to register, visit TMH.CARE/fair.