Boy Scouts of America Super Clays Invitational

Join the Suwannee River Area Boy Scout Council and SunTrust at the 1st Annual Suwannee River Area Council, BSA Super Clays Invitational!
Make sure you are not left out of this unique opportunity to support the Boy Scouts of America! Shoot in style at the Magnolia Farm Plantation’s “Virtual Dove Shoot”!
The funds raised from the event will benefit the programs and camps provided to over 3,000 Scouts across North Florida and South Georgia. Our youth are being challenged more today than ever before. They desperately need programs like the Boy Scouts to help instill core values, to assist them in making tough moral and ethical decisions. With your assistance, the Suwannee River Area Council will be able to continue to bring Scouting values to more and more of our community’s youth, resulting in a stronger and safer community! Your support and participation is greatly appreciated!! Ony $150 per person! Visit for additional information.