Fortunately/Unfortunately…Finding the Blessings in Tragedy

On March 25th of this year, Tallahassee resident Licia Berry’s 19 year old son Jess suffered a traumatic brain injury that required emergency brain surgery to save his life.
Since this accident and with his family’s help, Jess has been recovering and views this experience as a cautionary tale and inspiration for all to turn tragedies into opportunities. Licia Berry will lead the 10 a.m. service with Jess, talking about the process and discoveries to be found in recognizing the truth in the tragedy and a the ways to transform it into a new reality with it’s own blessings.
Licia will reference her 2012 book, SOUL COMPOST, written from her perspective and background of abusive relationships, astonishing spiritual experiences and finding unconditional love.
Come join Licia and Jess as they share the possibilities of transformation with the congregation. FREE and open to the public.