Jesus Christ: The Early Years Discussion

Instructor:  David R. Fritz, M.A.  Familiar names and locations that include Mary and Joseph, Bethlehem, and the Magi are known the world over.  Our study will connect names, scenes and events in Jesus’ early life that were prophetically predicted centuries before.  Jesus’ early life will reveal the basis of the fascinating life He led while on the earth.
Course Number:  BIB 404.  Date and Time:  Eight Thursdays, Sept. 5 – Oct. 24; 4:30 – 5:40 p.m.  Cost: $49 for audit or $95 for 1 credit Text: Bring your Bible and a notebook.
1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste. 6, Tallahassee.
To register or for more information, please call 514-3777 or visit website.