Healing Prayer for Survivors of Abuse (Seminar)

Instructor:  Carlotta Waldmann, R.M., RPM & EH Min.  Every believer needs to know a little about praying for survivors of abuse.  Many times, during our healing process, memories will start to surface in order to be healed.  Learn how to partner with Jesus Who heals every wound –    without having to analyze them and relive all the pain no matter how deep.  Gain valuable insights from instructions, live demonstrations and practical activations.  A complement to the 5 week Issue-Focused Restoration Ministry Course.  Course Number:  CNS 369 Date/Time:  Saturday, November 9, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Cost Includes Manual (Ministry to Survivors):  $35 for audit or $59 for .5 credit and/or 7 CEUs.  Text:  Your Bible.  1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste. 6, Tallahassee.  For further information or to register, visit www.CenterforBiblicalStudies.org  or call 514-3777.