Jesus Christ in all the Scriptures Course

Instructor:  David Hull, M.Div.  This course is the second of a two-semester course on Christ-centered Bible study.  In this course, we will examine principles of interpretation, prophecies, types, shadows, Christophanies, symbols, themes, and more.  The Old Testament, from l Samuel to Malachi, will be the main area of this semester’s study.  Pre-requisite:   Jesus Christ in All the Scriptures 409-A.  Course Number:  BIB 409B.  Date/Time:  Fifteen Mon., Jan. 13, 27-Apr, 28, 6-8:30 pm.  Cost:  $199 for personal growth or $345 for 3 semester credits.  Text:  Bring your Bible and a notebook.  Center for Biblical Studies, 1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste 6, Tallahassee.
For more information or to register visit