8th Annual CEO WorkingWell Breakfast

Research is showing a strong interdependence between employee, organizational and community well-being. They each drive each other and in turn drive economic development   Whether you’re a CEO of a small business or a mid-sized organization, the director of a State Agency, or an executive at a large corporation., the success of your company, as well as your community is GREATLY affected by the “well-being” of your employees.
As one of only a few community-organized volunteer wellness initiatives in the country, Working Well is a testament to what can happen when organizations “come to the table” together for a greater cause.
This CEO Breakfast is a rare opportunity for CEOs, from across our area, to not only hear trends and data from a renowned expert in the field, but also to join fellow employers in celebrating the success and recognition of the wellness programs they have created…right here in our community.  
Your employees, your organization and your community will thank you for attending!