Compassion Fatigue: How to Continue to Burn Bright Without Burning Out (Seminar)

Instructor:  Thomas Gillan, CLC, CFS, CLET. This seminar is designed to help those in ministry and caring professions acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to maximize their efficiency, effectiveness, and potential while minimizing stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue.  Students will participate in class exercises that help reduce stress, trauma, burnout and compassion fatigue.  Course Number:  CNS 451. Cost includes lunch:  $49 for personal growth or $69 for 7 CEUs and/or .5 semester credit.  Text:  Your Bible a notebook, pen and pencil.  It is recommended that students wear comfortable clothing, socks and shoes.  Women please wear comfortable slacks and a comfortable shirt/top.  1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste. 6, Tallahassee.  For more information or to register, please visit