Ep.79 Intentional Efforts and Collaboration Strengthen the Prosperity of the Community, Sha’Ron James, Gunster Law Firm

There is a strong correlation between the quality of life and a strong business community. This is why the Chamber is committed to strengthening the prosperity, livability, and safety of our residents.

On this week’s episode of the Tallahassee Business Podcast, presented by Event Owl, Board member, and local legislative advocate, Sha’Ron James shares her passion for making Tallahassee more collaborative to improve the community in which we live. Sha’Ron chairs the Chamber’s Community and Prosperity committee where they are focused on carving out a role for the business community to develop solutions for the success of the entire region.

Tune in to hear more about the important tasks they’re working on including the launch of Prosperity Leon, a more diverse Chamber membership, and collaboration efforts with local partners.