Debunking Diets

Diet trends are hard to keep up with—from supplements like MCT oil, collagen, detox celery and beet juices to diets such as Paleo, Keto, plant-based, and the Mediterranean diet. It can be overwhelming and difficult to find a diet that meets your health and wellness goals.
Join Afaf Qasem, Director of Quality of Life Services at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare and Emilie Rice, graduate student and dietetic intern from the Florida State University, as they debunk diet trends. Learn about how these diets and others affect your health and how to find a quality diet/trend that fits your individual needs.
This program will take place on February 4th from 12 PM to 1 PM in Jubilee Cottage at Goodwood Museum & Gardens.  For more information please contact Shavonne McAndrew at 850-877-4202 ext.232 or email