Discover the Real Miracle of Forgiveness (Seminar)

Instructor:  Travis Vining, Author. Is it possible to make sense of what we perceive as tragic and unforgivable events in our lives?  What could murder, pain, suffering and insanity possibly have to do with peace, freedom and a loving God?  The miracle of forgiveness allows us to have a relationship with our creator that includes intimate knowledge of His love for us, and an understanding of His will for our lives.  Course Number:  CNS 610.  Cost includes lunch:  $49 for personal growth or $69 for 7 CEUs and/or .5 semester credit.  Text:  Bring your Bible, a diary/notebook.  Suggested reading:  “Transforming Darkness to Light for Giving”, by Travis F. Vining, BellaRosaBooks, ISBN 978-1-933523-47-7. 1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste. 6, Tallahassee.  For further information or to register, please visit or call 514-3777.