Gabrielle Consulting's Digital Marketing- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Join Dr. Gabrielle K. Gabrielli for a 4-part course on digital marketing where you will learn to use a systematic approach to digital marketing to stretch resources and edge out your competition. This course will pay for itself when you attract your first new customer!
Marketing has been radically transformed due to technology, changes in consumer spending patterns, and the influence of a global economy. Dr. Gabrielle K. Gabrielli will help participants use a systematic approach with Web 2.0 and other technologies to build innovative, customized digital marketing strategies. Participants will be given access to online tools to use after the session to improve marketing efforts, create effective campaigns, and get valuable feedback. Participants will learn to:
• Write effective metadata, use cross-promotion, and implement other Internet, video, and multimedia strategies to improve search engine rankings for current algorithms.
• Leverage digital marketing for campaigns, contests, promotions, and effective social networking including via Facebook, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, reviews, and other social media.
• Effectively use branding, blogs, campaigns, and other tactics to advance marketing.
• Conduct beneficial research including metrics to be responsive to target consumers and generate leads, increase sales, and enhance market reach.
• Achieve better return on investment results with marketing efforts and spending.
Learn to use a systematic approach to digital marketing to stretch resources and edge out your competition. This course will pay for itself when you attract your first new customer!
Course Dates and Topics
Wednesday 21 May 2-4pm Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Wednesday 4 June 2-4pm Social Media In Depth
Wednesday 25 June 2-4pm Metrics, Google Analytics
Wednesday 9 July 2-4pm Next Level Digital Marketing
Series participants will receive additional individualized feedback.
Cost is $100 per class or $350 for all 4 classes
*includes customized digital marketing and SEO assistance
Location: Gabrielle Consulting, 3035 Eliza Road, Tallahassee, FL
For more information, contact Dr. Gabrielle K. Gabrielli at 850-321-8222 or