Hearing God's Voice — Center for Biblical Studies event

Instructor:  Carlotta Waldmann, Th.B, RPM, EH, & President/Founder of Cross Walk Life. Whether you are just beginning or sure you can hear God’s voice, you will be amazed as the Holy Spirit speaks to you and through you with new clarity and power.  Learn to be God’s voice to others in all the revelation gifts after Biblical instruction, live demonstration, and activations.  Course Number:  CNS 462.  Date/Time:  Five Thurs., Mar. 27-Apr. 24, 6-8:30 pm.  Cost:  $49 for personal growth or $95 for 1 semester credit and/or 15 CEUs.  Text:  Your Bible and a notebook.  1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste. 6.  For further information or to register, please call 514-377 or visit www.CenterforBiblicalStudies.org.