Lymphedema: A Swelling Disorder of the Arms and Legs

Have you had cancer treatment that involved chemotherapy, lymph nodes removal, or radiation therapy? Experiencing heaviness, fullness, or tightness in your arm or leg? Or increased swelling of your arm or leg that worsens throughout the day? If so you may have, or be at risk for lymphedema – a swelling disorder that causes the arms and legs to fill with fluid and swell.
Join Certified Lymphedema Therapist Kelly Uanino and her team for a free lecture on this common, but little known disorder. Attendees will learn exactly what lymphedema is, why cancer patients and individuals with underdeveloped lymphatic systems are at risk, and what treatment options are available for the swelling.
“Lymphedema: A Swelling Disorder of the Arms and Legs” will take place on Thursday, March 28, at 7:15 p.m. at Premier Health & Fitness Center. Premier Health & Fitness Center is located at 3521 Maclay Blvd. There is no charge to attend, but seating is limited, so reserve your spot today by calling (850) 431-5875.
For more information, contact Jocelyn Givens at 850-431-5894 or