Mindful Monday Meditation and Yoga

Join Goodwood for yoga and meditation classes this Spring.
Goodwood is offering these classes free to the community. Intro to Yoga and
Meditation & Stress Management will alternate weeks with Intro to Yoga
being on the 2nd and 4th Mondays and Meditation on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th
Mondays each month.
Mindful Mondays: Intro to Yoga (2nd and 4th Mondays of the month)
Intro to Yoga is a gentle form of yoga. Students will practice postures
(asanas) and breathing exercises. This class is designed for beginners, and
includes benefits such as increased strength, flexibility, and range of motion
as well as improved balance and focus. Most students begin this yoga class in a
chair, however mats are also welcome.
Mindful Mondays: Meditation & Stress Management (1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays
of the month)
Mindfulness has been shown to increase focus, productivity, and creativity,
displaying positive applications in virtually every area of our lives. Take
time each week to be fully present, and begin the week with renewed energy to
achieve your goals.
These classes will take place in the Carriage House except for the April 1st
Meditation class. The April 1st Meditation class will be held on the front
porch of Goodwood’s Main House Museum.
For questions or more information please call 850-877-4202 ext. 232 or email