Powerful Presentations with PowerPoint 2010

LBL@FGF (Learn Before Lunch at FGF) Learn to give professional presentations using PowerPoint 2010 on February 27th, 2014. This three hour session really focuses on how to give memorable presentations while using technology wisely. Areas we will focus on include:
•Designing Powerful Slides
•Simplicity is Better Than Clutter
•When to Use Animation
•Transitioning Slides
•Understanding Master Pages
•Excellent Tips on Presentation
•How Not to Rely on Your Slides
•Being Prepared to Present No Matter What
This session does not just teach you how to use PowerPoint, but also how to give an effective presentation – time will be given to practice presenting. The cost is just $75 and includes lunch.
Where: Food Glorious Food, Lower Level Meeting Room
Address: 1901 Thomasville Road
Speaker: Todd Woodward (MCT, MOS) with Creative People Consulting
Click HERE for more info.