Restorative Justice: A Christian Perspective (Seminar)

Instructor:  Tom Gillan, CLC, CPS, CLEC. Our response to crime is a moral test of our faith and a challenge to the church.  The challenge of curbing crime and reshaping the criminal justice system is a test of Christian commitment.  We are called by the Gospel to bring a message of faith, hope and reconciliation. This one-day workshop will help build a foundation for you and your church to respond to all affected by the tragedy of crime.  This workshop is essential for anyone who is interested in a Prison and Jail Ministry, a Juvenile Justice Ministry, or a Ministry to Victims of Crime.
Course Number: MIN 371 / CNS 371. Cost Includes Materials, Refreshments and Lunch:  $49 for audit or $69 for 8 CEUs’ and/or .5 credit. Text:  Bring, your Bible and a notebook.  Center for Biblical Studies, 1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste 6, Tallahassee.
For further information or to register, visit or call 514-3777.