Tallahassee Museum Holiday Camps

Tallahassee Museum, a living museum offering engaging experiences focused on North Florida’s natural environment, is ringing in the holiday season and excited to offer a series of themed camps for Tallahassee children during their school holiday vacations. The camps, offered for Kindergarten through Fifth grade, give parents the chance to shop, cook, go to work, or just relax guilt-free and provide children with a fun, safe day of learning, crafts and games.
December 23 – Seasonal Celebrations: Learn crafts, games and stories that will teach about the many different cultural celebrations occurring during this time in our community.
December 26 – Toys and Games: Spend this day making a toy or playing games and having tons of fun! You will experience what types of activities kept kids busy before the days of video games and television.  You’ll learn games that you can take home and share with your family and friends!
December 27 – Winter Wonderland:  Bundle up, learn how the animals deal with the chill and experience winter at the Museum.  We’ll listen to stories around the farmstead stove, munch fresh-baked cookies and play with old-fashioned toys and games used to celebrate the holidays in the 1880s.
December 30 – Making Tracks: Whose track is that? Learn to identify tracks of some of the animals in our area. What other evidence do animals leave behind? This camp is filled with exciting explorations out and about on the museum grounds. We will venture out on a trek to investigate all who walk upon the trails of the museum!
December 31 – Music Makers: In this camp, we’ll explore various items used in making music. Not only will we have a chance to sing songs and play a few instruments, we’ll also have a chance to make a musical instrument!
January 2 – Raptors:  From Aerodynamic Eagles to silent night-flying owls; birds of prey use a number of hunting strategies.  Meet the Museum’s collection of eagles, vultures, hawks and owls, get up close and personal with live raptors and learn what makes these powerful predators such effective hunters.
January 3- Masters of Disguise: Discover how animals hide in plain sight by using their natural colors, patterns, and sounds as disguises. We’ll even think about how people have learned to use some of their tricks.
January 6 – Art in the Heart of Winter! In this camp, children will explore all the beauties of winter as they create works of art! There will be a hand at print-making, leaf rubbing, and they will even learn how colors work together as we paint with acrylics!
For more information, please click HERE.