Tallahassee Society of Association Executives Education Symposium & Expo

The 26th Annual Education Symposium & Expo is being held by Tallahassee Society of Association Executives (TSAE) at the Civic Center on October 16th. Registration is required ($170 TSAE members/$210 TSAE nonmembers and includes breakfast & lunch). The Symposium is open to those interested in business continuing education on topics such as:
-Blogging, Videos & Social Media
-Data Analytics
-Working in Teams & Leadership
-Writing Right
-Online Privacy
-Production techniques for web video, McGuyver style
-Using Webinars & Online Events
-Membership Marketing
Registration Information is available at http://www.tallysae.affiniscape.com/displayconvention.cfm?conventionnbr=12526 or email info@tallysae.org or call 850-561-6124.
Attendance at the Expo portion of the event is free to QUALIFIED MEETING & EVENT PLANNERS ONLY.
TO EXHIBIT OR SPONSOR call Ann Farran at 850-561-6124.