The Caregiver: Introduction to the Gift & Art of Being a Healing Presence (Seminar)

Instructor:  Ray Wann, M.A., CPE-1. Discover how you can make a difference in the lives of others by being present in a way that is healing, nurturing, and potentially transforming.  The caregiver can be a healing presence to those in their care and do much more than support their healing.  Whether you are a professional caregiver, volunteer, family member, or friend, this seminar will provide you with many valuable thoughts concerning healing presence.  Course Number:  CNS 444.  Date/Time:  Sat., Feb. 22, 9 am-1 pm.  Cost:  $12.50 for personal growth or $25 for .25 semester credit.  Text:  “The Gift of Healing Presence:  Encouraging Thoughts for Busy Caregivers”, by James E. Miller, Willowgreen publishing. 1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste. 6, Tallahassee.  For further information or to register, please call 514-3777 or visit