Transformation of the Inner Man class

Instructor:  Carlotta Waldmann, Th.B, RPM, EH, & President/Founder of Cross Walk Life.  Done with trying to repair, reform, or rebuild your Christian walk?  Ready for REAL supernatural transformation by God’s Spirit?  Experience, practice, and minister advanced transformation in class with new in-depth insights and keen discernment.  Course Number:  CNS 440.  Date/Time:  Ten Thurs, Jan. 16-Mar. 20, 6-8:30 pm.  Cost includes $25 materials fee:  $124 for personal growth or $220 for 2 semester credits.  Text:  Your Bible.  Center for Biblical Studies, 1560 Capital Circle NW, Ste. 6, Tallahassee.
For further information or to register, please call 514-3777 or visit