Webinar: Nutrition Truths (What You Don't Know Can Hurt!)

Join 2 experts and authors Dr. B.J. Hardick and Kimberly Roberto as they discuss some of the hottest nutrition topics. Get answers to the their most frequently asked questions. There is a sea of mis-information out when it comes to nutrition. Let the experts help you navigate through the noise and get to the action steps it takes to get and stay healthy for a lifetime.
Why do I need to buy organic?
Learn how to easily navigate the grocery store to save time and money while shopping for healthy foods your family will love.
What is the deal with Genetically Modified Foods?
Why are there so many “diet” plans, and which one is best for me?
Learn about the top most toxic foods and how to avoid them
Register here: http://www.fennchiro.com/Event/Webinars.aspx